Defamation、libel、slander在法律英语中表示“诽谤”之意时的用法和区别 您所在的位置:网站首页 maliciously slander翻译 Defamation、libel、slander在法律英语中表示“诽谤”之意时的用法和区别


2024-07-01 00:02| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265


①Defamation,表示“中伤、诽谤、毁誉”,指通过向第三者传播虚假事实而致使他人(申诉者)名誉受损。诽谤罪(Crime of defamation)是指故意捏造并散布虚构的事实,足以贬损他人人格,实施破坏他人名誉,情节严重,从而构成的犯罪。

②Libel,一般指(文字)的诽谤,中伤,(the act of printing a statement about sb that is not true and that gives people a bad opinion of them)即指以书写的、印刷的、电影的、广播的或其他可永久保留的形式对他人的名誉进行的诽谤。

③Slander,一般指“口头诽谤、中伤、诋毁;口头诽谤罪”,主要指用口头的或其他无法保留的形式的言论破坏他人的名誉。如:vicious slander恶意诽谤,He angrily accused the investigators of slandering both him and his family. 他气愤地指责调查者诋毁他和他的家人。


However, civil penalties for defamation should not be so heavy as to block freedom of expression and should be designed to restore the reputation harmed, not to compensate the plaintiff or to punish the defendant; in particular, pecuniary awards should be strictly proportionate to the actual harm caused, and the law should give preference to the use of non-pecuniary remedies, including, for example, apology, rectification and clarification”.


New legislation on communication and audiovisual services was designed to encourage equal participation of the private and public sectors and civil society in the media; prevent monopolies; ensure that minority groups, including indigenous peoples, had access to the media; and expand freedom of expression by decriminalizing libel and slander.

关于通讯和视听服务的新立法旨在鼓励私营和 公共部门以及民间社会平等地参与媒体,避免垄断,确保少数群体包括土著人民能够使用媒体并通过使 诽谤和造谣合法化扩大言论自由。

New legislation on communication and audiovisual services was designed to encourage equal participation of the private and public sectors and civil society in the media; prevent monopolies; ensure that minority groups, including indigenous peoples, had access to the media; and expand freedom of expression by decriminalizing libel and slander.







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